Di Wishful Wednesday terakhir menjelang libur
lebaran ini, gue mau bikin recap aja ah… Minta ma’af sama diri sendiri yang
sering berangan-angan dan minta ma’af sama dompet yang sering kali menangis…
Untuk minggu ini, gue mau masukin bukunya Khaled
Hosseini aja, deh.. sesuailah dengan suasana mau lebaran. Lagipula, dua buku
beliau yang gue baca, sukses membuat gue ‘nyaris’ nangis Bombay… huhuhuhu….
Semoga buku kali ini juga sama bagusnya dengan
buku-buku yang sebelumnya.
So, then. You want a story
and I will tell you one...
Afghanistan, 1952. Abdullah and his sister Pari live with their father and stepmother in the small village of Shadbagh. Their father, Saboor, is constantly in search of work and they struggle together through poverty and brutal winters. To Adbullah, Pari, as beautiful and sweet-natured as the fairy for which she was named, is everything. More like a parent than a brother, Abdullah will do anything for her, even trading his only pair of shoes for a feather for her treasured collection. Each night they sleep together in their cot, their skulls touching, their limbs tangled.
One day the siblings journey across the desert to Kabul with their father. Pari and Abdullah have no sense of the fate that awaits them there, for the event which unfolds will tear their lives apart; sometimes a finger must be cut to save the hand.
Crossing generations and continents, moving from Kabul, to Paris, to San Francisco, to the Greek island of Tinos, with profound wisdom, depth, insight and compassion, Khaled Hosseini writes about the bonds that define us and shape our lives, the ways that we help our loved ones in need, how the choices we make resonate through history, and how we are often surprised by the people closest to us.
Kalo ada yang mau kasih THR buku, silahkan WW gue
dari minggu-minggu kemarin … hehehe…
Selamat lebaran, teman-teman… mohon ma’af lahir
dan batin…
Sampai jumpa setelah liburan ya…
Mari-mari ikutan Wishful Wednesday juga… suka ada
giveaway-nya lho, silahkan liartrulesnya ya:
- Silakan follow blog Books To Share – atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
- Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan kenapa buku itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
- Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
- Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)