Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wishful Wednesday 20

Ini judulnya adalah **, saat gue ngeliat Profile Picture-nya Astrid…

Jadi nih, liat cover-nya aja yang nge-jreng udah langsung menarik hati (memang… sebagian besar yang ada di Wishful Wednesday gue ini, dipilih berdasarkan cover.. hehehe…), lalu judulnya yang panjang itu, dan berhubungan dengan ‘buku’ atau ‘toko buku’. Well… gue pun langsung membayangkan bahwa si Mr. Penumbra ini, adalah sosok  yang ‘nyentrik’, mirip-mirip Willy Wonka.

Mari, silahkan disimak sinopsinya:

A gleeful and exhilarating tale of global conspiracy, complex code-breaking, high-tech data visualization, young love, rollicking adventure, and the secret to eternal life—mostly set in a hole-in-the-wall San Francisco bookstore.

The Great Recession has shuffled Clay Jannon out of his life as a San Francisco Web-design drone—and serendipity, sheer curiosity, and the ability to climb a ladder like a monkey has landed him a new gig working the night shift at Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore. But after just a few days on the job, Clay begins to realize that this store is even more curious than the name suggests. There are only a few customers, but they come in repeatedly and never seem to actually buy anything, instead “checking out” impossibly obscure volumes from strange corners of the store, all according to some elaborate, long-standing arrangement with the gnomic Mr. Penumbra. The store must be a front for something larger, Clay concludes, and soon he’s embarked on a complex analysis of the customers’ behavior and roped his friends into helping to figure out just what’s going on. But once they bring their findings to Mr. Penumbra, it turns out the secrets extend far outside the walls of the bookstore.

With irresistible brio and dazzling intelligence, Robin Sloan has crafted a literary adventure story for the twenty-first century, evoking both the fairy-tale charm of Haruki Murakami and the enthusiastic novel-of-ideas wizardry of Neal Stephenson or a young Umberto Eco, but with a unique and feisty sensibility that’s rare to the world of literary fiction.
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore is exactly what it sounds like: an establishment you have to enter and will never want to leave, a modern-day cabinet of wonders ready to give a jolt of energy to every curious reader, no matter the time of day.

Seperti biasa, rules untuk ikutan Wishful Wednesday, adalah:
  1. Silakan follow blog Books To Share – atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
  2. Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan kenapa buku itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
  3. Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
  4. Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)


Astrid said...

ahahaha ngga maksud bikin sirik koook *sok kalem* =p iya sama fer, kebanyakan wish gw juga berdasarkan cover kok hihi


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